If you’re starting university soon, you’re likely to be feeling excited as well as apprehensive, but try not to worry! For most people, university is one of the best experiences of their lives. It might be even more nerve-racking if you’re going to be studying abroad in an unfamiliar country, but this could also make your experience all the more life-changing. Here are some tips to help you prepare for this new adventure…

Consider setting a student budget

and try your best to stick to it! Obviously you shouldn’t stress about money too much, as you don’t want to ruin your education and enjoyment, but it’s definitely a good idea to work out how much you have to spend on food and rent and how much is left for your own leisure. Be careful not to spend too much on socializing in your first week or so – remember, there are lots of ways to have fun without breaking the bank.

  • Value your time – To make sure you stay focused on the big picture, ask yourself, What goals do I want to accomplish?

  • Never stop learning – You’ll become a great coach

  • Be courageous – Learn to attend to positive signals and to discount negative ones

After receiving your exam results and confirming your place at university, you might be wondering what to do next. While it’s possible to start chatting to other first years online and make plans for nights out in freshers’ week, the academic side of university is often harder to prepare for.

What will your lectures, seminars and tutorials at university actually be like? What do you need to know before you arrive? Use these last weeks of the summer to find out the answers to these questions and ground yourself in the foundational knowledge you’re going to need if you don’t want to become too overwhelmed in the first few weeks of term.

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